Loved 2

Funmi got up and entered the room, she found Femi undressing Temi, and wiping some Spittles off her face.
'You really don't want to go anymore?' She asked trying to fight back the tear. Femi did not respond, he took off his shirt, and took Temi back to the living room. Funmi follows him.
' you really don't have to do this all the time' funmi said, standing in front of him.
'Do what?, what exactly am I doing?, she is your daughter for goodness sake, why do you treat her like dirt?'
' I don't, I love her, I just...'
' you just what Funmi, you just don't want to be seen with her in public, you don't want to be seen as the mother of an imbecile, or...'
' please don't say that!' Funmi screamed , she began to sob loudly.
' I love my daughter, but you don't know how hard this is for me, you don't know how people stare at us, when we pass by, you don't...'
' you wouldn't care if you love her enough' retorted Femi, his body trembling from the anger. 'I take her out, I love her like she was just a normal child, like she is just like every other child'
'But she's not, she... She...' Funmi started to stammer, before falling on the ground, crying loudly...
