Adanne watched as her mother danced, her wrapper almost falling off her waist, she looked away and smiled shyly, she had not seen her mother dance or look so happy in a very long time.
'my enemies have been put to shame Ada, my enemies will die when they hear this one, hei, chineke, what have I done to deserve what you have done for me?'  her mother said, while dancing and stamping her foot on the ground.
Oluchi, her younger sister, rushed into the room, excited, grinning from ear to ear.
'Mama, they are here o, they have come' she said, jumping up and down around the room.
'keep quiet, and don't let our visitors hear your voice, village girl' their mother scolded, while trying to hide her excitement, She turned over to Ada with a smile.
'Achalugo nnwam , you have made me proud, you have brought joy and sunshine into our family, not only did you find a husband, you found the one that lives in America, obodo oyibo, nne daalu o' she said, patting Ada on the back, as she continued to dance.
' Mama let's go now' Oluchi said, with a frown.
They both rushed out of the room, leaving Ada alone in the room, waiting to be called out when it was time to ask if she really wanted to marry the man, and she would say yes, whether she wanted to or not, that was the right thing to do.
Deep down, she wanted to say no, because she was about to be given out to a man she barely knew. He lives abroad,  she thought they would expect that I should be happy because a man living abroad wants to marry me. What if I don't love him or even like him, what if he is a woman beater like Uncle Eze, or what if he is crippled?  That last thought made her heart beat faster, she could feel a lump at the back of her throat, but she knew that she couldn't cry, because if she did, it would ruin the makeup that her mother's younger sister Aunty Ebere had done.
It was just two weeks ago that the two men came to their house, Ada's  father received them well, and after the kola nuts had been broken and the wine had been poured, they finally told her father that they came on behalf of one of their sons living abroad to as for Ada's hand in marriage.
Ada overheard from the kitchen and was appalled by how quickly her father had agreed, and even told them to come back in two weeks for proper introduction.
' But papa, I've not even seen my Jamb result, why will I get married now? She had said later that night, when her father told her all about the visitors.
' shut up, which Jamb?, if you marry this man and he takes you abroad, is that not better, you can even go there and become a nurse like you always wanted.'
'but I barely even know the man' she said, stamping her feet on the ground.
'hian, know kwa, what will knowing him do for you, when you get to America there, you can go and know him, look Ada you are disturbing me, instead of you to be happy, you're here sulking. Biko, get out of here and go and bring me water to drink osinso.'
The two weeks were over now, and they are back, suddenly, her phone rang, jolting her out of her thoughts, it was Femi, her boyfreind. She watched it ring, scared to pick it up, she didn't tell him about the visitors or the American husband, and she couldn't bring herself to do it, even now. My father will kill me if he knows that I'm even following onye Yoruba she thought.
Her mother knocked on the door and pushed it open, as she quickly hid the phone under her pillow.
'nnem, come and meet your husband'
' Is he here? Ada asked, surprised.
'yes o, they said he decided to come himself, when he heard about your beauty' she said, beaming.
You would think she's the one getting married Ada thought, shaking her head slightly.
She walked unsteadily into the living room, it was packed with strangers and visitors. There were whistles and comments as she walked in.
Ada looked around at the faces in the room, and her eyes met his own, and he was far from what she expected. At that moment, she knew that her suitor suited her well enough and she was willing to follow him anywhere, Femi or no Femi...
