Eleven Things To Do Before I'm Thirty

I'm in my early twenties and truth be told, i woke up to my dreams very recently. About one year ago, I didn't even know what my dreams were, i just knew that i had to be someone very important, so much so that bloggers would write juicy stories about me. 
Anyway since i have discovered my dreams which i would say are really big, i have made a list of my own, something i believe every woman should have, every person in fact.


1. Be in a movie : I have a talent in acting, it would be nice to be in a movie, hopefully a very big one

2. Start my own Blog : well i already did, so moving on. 

3. Visit five countries : well this is in the least, at least five countries before i'm thirty, more would not hurt anyway

4. Own a walk in closet : you know those closets that look like another apartment on thier own, i want one of those before i'm thirty

5. Have my own perfume line : probably name it PORTIA, well, let's wait until then

6. Hold a music concert : I don't sing much but how about i just bring together great singers and have them sing my name... lol... just kidding... but it will be great anyway.

7. Go skydiving : Trust me i have a terrible fear of heights, but i guess if i don't faint up there, it would be a great experience.
8. Host an inauguration dinner : Asides the very good financial benefits, this will be a dream come true.
9. Have a best friend for life : yes, I want to have that ride or die homie, that would go sky diving with me, lol.
10. Find my soulmate : Well I should have found that man that makes my heart go like a super bass whenever he is around.
11. Have a baby: This is compulsory, at least one child before i'm thirty.


  1. Yetty baby. I must say what a bucket list to have. Good luck with those anyway! 😏


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