' what is it?' I asked, unconsciously squeezing Bode's hands tighter,
' according to your blood test, it says here that you are both of the AS genotype, which means it will be risky for you both to have children'
The words came to me like a misile, I looked at Bode who seemed to be in shock too
' Doctor what are you saying?' Bode asked
' what I'm saying is that if you both have children, you have a great chance of having one or more children with an SS genotype, which is medically disastrous'
We left the hospital, we didn't speak to each other, we were lost in our seperate thoughts, I could not imagine my life without Bode, and I could not imagine not having children.
I looked at him, he wasn't looking at the road, he was staring at me
'eyes on the road Bode'
He quickly turned his attention back on the road, barely avoiding an oncoming truck, he sighed deeply, I could see that his eyes were foggy already, he was going to cry, I placed a hand on his lap, I wanted deperately to comfort him, but i too needed comforting.
The car screeched to a halt as Bode braked suddenly, scaring me, he parked at the edge of a bridge and got out, he walked over to the bridge and looked down at the river, I knew he wasn't going to jump in but I was still scared. I got out of the car and walked over to him, hugging him from behind.
' maybe we shouldn't have children' he said, still staring at the river
' No Bode, we can't put ourselves through that'
' I can't lose you, I can't leave you'
He turned around and I could see that his face was covered in tears, I reached out and wiped some of the tears, hugging him tightly and at that moment, I knew that there was no way I would live my life without him.

