Our wedding was barely one month away, all our shopping had been done, and all that was left was minor preparations. We had to attend our final counseling session with the pastor. We were in a great mood that morning, we even wore matching t-shirts and jeans.
'Is the pastor in?' I asked the Secretary on arriving at the church.
'Yes' he replied and ushered us into the pastor's office. The session went on as usual until the pastor asked an unexpected question
'I assume that you both have checked your blood compatibility?'
We both exchanged a startled look
'Yes sir' Bode said before I could say anything, I shot him an angry look but he deliberately avoided my eyes knowing he had lied.
We left the pastor's office not speaking to each other and feeling a guilt strip, he drove us directly to the hospital to have our blood groups checked.
At the hospital, the lab attendant took our blood samples and asked us to wait at the hospital reception, I still wasn't speaking to Bode, after a couple of hours, a nurse ushered us into the doctor's office.
'Are you both married?'
The Doctor asked with a smile, I blushed a little, my anger lifting, I always liked being referred to as Bode's wife.
' not yet sir, our wedding is in three weeks' I responded, smiling at Bode and reaching out to hold his hands, he squeezed it. The expression on the doctor's face changed suddenly, he looked worried.
'Is there a problem doc?' Bode asked looking worried too.
'I'm afraid there is'

