One night...

Juliet, folu and I, step out of the lounge, into the cold night breeze, every hair on my body standing on edge. I wrap my hands around myself to ease the cold, a futile effort anyway, my spaghetti strap dress was obviously a bad choice, but it felt right when I left the house at 9 pm. I glance at my watch it is 2 am.
I just want to go home, Juliet and Folu are arguing about some guy in club, trying to decide which one he liked.
'We really need a cab' Folu says, and I nod in agreement, too cold to speak. And the taxi stops in front of us almost suddenly, it almost feels like he came out of nowhere. We jump in.
' Freya street' Juliet tells the cabbie, and the car starts to move again. Just then, the fatigue takea over me, and I find myself dozing off, in between my closing lids, I see my friends dozing too.
'Wake up idiot!'
I jolt awake, and glance around, Folu and Juliet are asleep already, maybe it was the cabbie, but then I heard a female voice. I shake my head, the sleep overtaking me again and I start to doze again.
'Wake up, now!!!' This time, the voice was louder, Folu and Juliet are snoring loudly. I glance outside and my skin starts to crawl. We are not going to Freya street, we are in the middle of nowhere. That is when I realise what has happened, we are being kidnapped. I open my mouth to scream, but I can't hear anything, where is my voice? I start to shake Folu and Juliet frantically, but they are passed out cold.
'They can't hear you Bunmi, and honestly I don't know why you aren't sleeping'
It is the cabbie speaking, and he turns around to look at me, or did he?
He is faceless, all I see is a patch of skin with nothing on it. That's the last thing I see, I scream again and then, darkness.
