2016 - 2018 theme for world cancer day.
Cancer lives amongst us, whether we like it or not, it has touched someone we know or even heard of, and slowly, it spreads like wild fire, eating away into the health of our communities, societies and the world, slowly , without us realising it.
However, WE CAN- I CAN do something about it.
It is important that we raise awareness on this deadly disease, and ensure that  we encourage its prevention, detection and treatment.
WE CAN- I CAN reduce the illness and related deaths by 2020.
It is what all of us can do, and we at READ TO STOP CANCER INITIATIVE , are calling on everyone to take a pledge and action in this fight against cancer. We as individuals, and a collective society can do our parts to ensure that we reduce the burden of cancer both globally, and in our dear country Nigeria.
WE can fight it
WE can beat it
Because WE CAN- I CAN.
