Let me find you

The darkness felt like it was coming from inside me, or wasn't it? I really couldn't tell. I tried to open my eyes, but they were too heavy, my brain was feeling sluggish to give the signal to my eye lids, so I just kept them closed and laid down in the darkness, waiting for the pounding in my head to stop. After what seemed like an eternity, my eyes finally flew open, I blinked rapidly and tried to focus, then the room came into clear view.
I tried to sit up, my back ached a little, my room looked liked a war zone, everything was scattered everywhere, and for some reason, it smelled of stale meat. Then I started to recall the events of the night before, but my memory seemed wobbly.
Am I drunk?
Maybe I'm drunk
Why do I ache all over?
As I tried to get up, I felt a sticky liquid on the floor, under my feet, then I looked down. Blood!!!, Blood??? 
Why is there blood on the floor?
Whose blood is it?
Why am I not hurt?
The questions continued to swirl around in my  head, when I saw a trail of blood on the ground, leading into the bathroom. I followed it slowly, still trying to remember what happened. I opened the bathroom door slowly, and lying on the ground there, was the body.
I screamed and jumped backwards, running back into the room, the adrenaline coursing through my body had taken away every dizziness I was feeling before, then I fainted.
I woke up with a start, and remembered the dead body in my bathroom, then my body went limp, I knew I had to think, there had to be an explanation for it.
I stood up again, and summoned all the courage I had, and walked over to the bathroom again, I looked down at the man in the tub, he was young, in his late twenties I guessed.
How did he get here?
What happened to him?
Oh my God, I killed a man!!!
At that moment I heard a knock on the door.

