My first childhood memory, I think I was two or three. squatting in front of the house, and getting picked up, I can't really place the face, but I know someone picked me up, and that's my earliest childhood memory.
My first classroom memory, I was standing at the board, saying something to my classmates, i can't remember what, but I know it was a good memory. 
Because memories become you.
I have a scar on my head, you'd not notice it anymore, but it's still there, I got it when I was about eight years old.
I was walking with my eyes closed round the house (I played a lot) and then i hit my head on a door knob. 'ouch!!!' that has made me scared of walking around in the dark.
It's hard sometimes to relate our personal traits to some memories forgotten, but it doesn't mean that those memories are not there.
There was a first time to everything you're experiencing right now.
Remember when you picked up that first cigarette (then you didn't stop picking it up, and now you think you can't stop)
Remember when you saw that first pornographic video?
Remember when you did your first charity work?
Remember when you first...
All of these first times, become our memories, and all of these memories become us.
Be careful what kind of memories you're making now.
Memories are like contrary things, when you make them and try to tun your back on them, they turn back to hunt you.
