I grew up with this feeling of oddity among people. This thing where you always feel like you are the odd one out in a group. now, this is not a low self esteem, I don't know what to call it, but it is not a low self esteem.
When I was in primary one, I got a double promotion to primary three, because I did exceptionally well (yes, I know, I'm smart like that). Anyway, I had to join a class full of my seniors and that was when it started. Nobody spoke to me for about two weeks, and even after they started to talk to me, they thought it was odd for them to be friends with me. So I was the odd girl in class, and everyone avoided me like the plague.

Secondary school was not any easier, I went to three different secondary schools, and for every time I changed schools, I had to make friends all over again. And you know how secondary school is, everybody already has a clique, and so, even when I finally belonged to a clique, I was the third wheel, the new girl struggling for recognition.
So i started to ignore people altogether, I became what they call one man mopol. It was difficult at first, but you know, when you begin to find yourself by yourself, it helps with your self confidence.
I didn't have a problem being Independent or making my own decisions, in fact, I took myself and made myself into what I wanted to be exactly.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's wrong to be a part of a crowd, but sometimes, if the crowd does not accept you, then, accept yourself and love yourself. You know, sometimes when all you exhume is self love, confidence and independence, people would start to clamor to be your friend. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING THE ODD ONE OUT.


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