Lily was born
And like the flower she was named after
Lily blossomed
Her beauty rising like the sun every morning
Her mother wondered.
In primary school
Lily took home every price
Her father bought a toy.
In secondary school
Lily was head girl.
Her mother bought a dress.
Lily grew
Lily was beautiful
The men loved
The women envied
In the University
Lily was brilliant
Lily came out with a first class
Her mother danced
Her father boasted
All the farm work did not go to waste
Four years later Lily is at home
No job, No business

' what do you want me to do?'
Lily asked her nagging mother
'Go out and do what your mates do'
Her nagging mother replied.
Lily went out
She did what her mates did.
Lily was a beauty
Business was easy
Lily Bought her mother a car
Lily bought her father a house.
But father would not take it.
Ten years later
Lily is sad
Lily is alone
Lily is sick.
Mother said she was promiscuous
Father said 'I warned you'
Lily goes to the chemist
Lily swallows all the pills.
Mother stands in front of her tombstone
Her eyes wet with bitter tears.
Just like the flower.
Lily is done
